

Date: SEP,2022

Art Director: WuYu

Designer: Xiaowan

Motion Designer: ChuanZe

Photography: XiaoWan、MuZi、ZiJuan

ISLELESS成立于2020年初,伴随着疫情的发生开始了我们艰难的成长之路;两年很不容易,但好在我们活过来了。今天我们的工作室也 迎来了全新的视觉升级,也再次发布 了成员的介绍。此次围绕着个人 专辑的形式进行了相关设计,专辑里记录了疫情这两年每一个人最记忆深刻的事或物,也承载了每个人迎接未来更好自己的期望,同时工作室也能随之完成全新的蛻变。
ISLELESS was founded at the beginning of 2020. With the out- break of the epidemic, it was a very difficult road ofgrowth for us. 2 years were not easy, but fortunately, we survived. Our studio today has some newvisual upgrades; once again we also bring the intro- duction of studio members. The surrounding related design was carried out in the form of personal album, which recorded the most memorable events or things of everyone during the two years of the epidemic. It carries the expectation of everyone to meet the better themselves in the future, and the studio to take on a whole new metamorphosis.