
Date: SEP,2024

Creative Director: WuYu

Designer: BoBo

Motion Designer: ChuanZe、XiaoWan

Photography: Xian

矿泉水作为大宗商品,竞争激烈,如何突围是我们面临的核心挑战。麦饭石水虽在消费者心智中较为陌生,但正是品牌的最大差异化卖点。 因此,我们的设计围绕“麦饭石”展开,从信息层级、图形到宣传语,都在强调这一创新属性。同时,我们提出了“四方归一”的品牌理念作为设计的核心概念,成为贯穿整个品牌的视觉锤。“四方归一”源自中国古代天圆地方的世界观,象征自然的平衡与和谐。在中国文化中,天地四方代表不同的力量,汇聚后形成更强大的整体,体现了天人合一与万物共生的哲学。 这一理念不仅强调力量的集聚,也隐喻人与自然的关系:尊重并善用自然的四方之力,才能获得纯净与平衡。水源自地底,凝聚了山川河流、风雨之力,象征自然馈赠与大地厚重。我们希望水不仅解渴,更传递平衡、和谐、自然与健康的生活方式,倡导人与自然的和谐相处,感受从四方汇聚的生命力量。
Bottled mineral water is a highly comp etitive category,making differentiation essential. While Maifan Stone water is n ot well-known to consumers, it serves a s the brand’s most distinct selling point. Our design emphasizes this feature acro ss various elements-information hierar chy, graphics, and slogans-highlighting the innovative value of Maifan Stone.W e alsointroduced the brand concept“U nity of the Four Forces” as a central vis ual theme. This concept stems from an cient Chinese cosmology, representing the balance and harmony of nature. Its ymbolizes the union of theearth’s four directions, forming a powerful whole t hat reflects the philosophy Of harmony between humanity and na ture. The waterembodies the essence o f mountains, rivers, and rain, offering a pure and balanced lifestyle that connec ts people with nature’s life force.