
Client: 幸釜礼

Date: SEP,2023

Creative Director: WuYu、MuZi

Art Director: MuZi

Designer: MuZi Motion

Motion Designer: ChuanZe

Photography: ZiJuan

在目前的餐饮市场里,餐饮的视觉设计大多都是比较“浓重”且丰富的,而这一次我们进行了新的设计实验。所以在此次餐饮设计项目里的平面部分,我们是否能有新的玩法呢? 餐饮行业大家都在讲食材好是重点,但食材好本应该是餐饮行业的基本要求,产品体验也该大于视觉体验,所以我们这次相对弱化了平面视觉感受,平面的品牌视觉只是一个辅助的作用,让食客重在关注食物本身。 在此次的创意层面,我们希望消费者进入店里的那一刻就能感受到好运与喜庆的氛围。因为“好运”在中国具有极高的流通性,消费者很容易理解并接受。所以在视觉呈现过程中我们强化了“运势”的概念,将罗盘、方位、仙鹤、签筒等具有转运特征的中国元素融入品牌视觉中,增加设计形式和品牌视觉的氛围感受。整体的设计为带有中国式好运的餐饮品牌,能够让人们看到的时候感受到「运」的氛围,打造成一个好吃,好玩,迎好运的情感建设餐饮概念体系。
In the current catering market, most of the visual design of is relatively “thick” and rich, but this time we conducted a new design experiment. In the graphic part of this catering design project, can we have a new way of playing? Everyone in the catering industry is talking about fresh food ingredients, but this is the basic requirements of the catering industry, and product experiences should be greater than visual experiences; so we have weakened the graphic visual experience this time, making it only an auxiliary function, allowing diners to focus on the food itself. At the creative level this time, we hope that consumers can feel good luck and festive atmosphere the moment they enter the store. Because “fortune” has a very important meaning in Chinese culture, consumers can easily understand and accept it. Therefore, in the process of visual presentation, we strengthened the concept of “fortune”, integrated Chinese elements with characteristics of transshipment such as compass, azimuth, crane, and lottery into the brand vision, increasing the design form of the brand vision. The overall design is a catering brand with Chinese-style full of fortune elements, which can make people feel the atmosphere of “goof luck” when they see it, creating a delicious, fun, and festive emotional construction catering concept system.