

Date: SEP,2023

Creative Director: WuYu

Designer: BoBo、DengDeng、TianTian、HE

Photography: XianXian

TAILSHOOD动物室友是由 TAILS (尾巴) +NEIGHBORHOOD (邻居) 组成的新词,是一家连接人与宠的宠物文化商店,透过产品来创造人宠文化为目标的 “PETS CULTURE SHOP”。TAILSHOOD动物室友携手全球顶级的宠物用品设计团队TAILHIGH、SPUTNIK,并持续挖掘与我们理念相同的原创宠物设计品牌。从居家、城市户外等生活场景出发,以功能、设计、品质为基准严选商品,覆盖宠物用品、服饰、配件等品类并提供客制化服务。TAILSHOOD提出更舒适的宠物生活方式。我们抱着独特的眼光与判断力、在任何时代背景下都保持灵活的感受力,洞察当下人与宠物生活形态,透过线下空间与社群活动连接养宠人群,以专业观点为消费者带来不一样的养宠文化与生活美学。
TAILSHOOD, derived from TAILS + NEIGHBORHOOD, is a novel term representing a pet culture store that bridges the connection between humans and pets, aiming to create a ‘PETS CULTURE SHOP’ that fosters a unique culture between people and their pets through product curation. Collaborating with top-notch pet product design teams like TAILHIGH and SPUTNIK, TAILSHOOD continuously explores original pet design brands that resonate with our philosophy. Starting from domestic and urban outdoor scenarios, we meticulously curate pet products, clothing, accessories, and offer customized services based on functionality, design, and quality. Our vision at TAILSHOOD is to propose a more comfortable lifestyle for pets. We maintain a unique perspective and judgment, remaining adaptable in any era, to perceive the current trends in pet and human lifestyles. Through physical spaces and community engagement, we connect with pet owners, offering a distinct pet culture and aesthetic lifestyle through a professional viewpoint.