

Date: SEP,2024

Creative Director: WuYu

Designer: WuYu、DengDeng

Motion Designer: ChuanZe

Photography: XiaoWan、XianXian

Tea Ning手打柠檬茶创立于2023年,作为一家专注于柠檬茶的茶饮品牌,Tea Ning在传统柠檬茶的基础上进行了精致的改良,更加注重空间和社交体验,提供舒适的堂食环境。区别于常规柠檬茶店,Tea Ning以其独特的品牌理念和产品质量标准,致力于创造不平凡的消费体验。 在此次品牌重塑中,我们汲取航空飞行的灵感,将其转化为创新的设计元素,通过独特的视觉语言突破传统柠檬茶市场品牌形象的框架。TeaNing的设计不仅增强了市场的辨识度,还深入表达了品牌的核心理念——“打破常规,释放自我”。我们的目标是将Tea Ning塑造成为柠檬茶行业的领军品牌,具备无可比拟的品牌影响力和辨识度。
Founded in 2023, Tea Ning is a tea beverage brand specializing in lemon tea. Building on traditional lemon tea, Tea Ning has refined the product to focus more on space and social experiences, offering a comfortable dine-in environment. Unlike typical lemon tea shops, Tea Ning stands out with its unique brand philosophy and high product quality standards, committed to creating extraordinary consumer experiences. In this brand revitalization, we have drawn inspiration from aviation, transforming it into innovative design elements. Through a unique visual language, we break the conventional image of lemon tea brands in the market. Tea Ning’s design not only enhances market recognition but also deeply conveys the core philosophy of the brand—’Break the norm, release yourself.’ Our goal is to shape Tea Ning into a leading brand in the lemon tea industry, with unparalleled brand impact and recognition.