
Date: SEP,2024

Creative Director: WuYu

Designer: Xiaowan

Motion Designer: ChuanZe

Photography: Xian

我们受天猫国际的委托,为其精心打造一款主打抗衰产品的独特礼盒。此次设计灵感源于“回到未来”的概念,营造设计出一台复古风格的国际时光机。礼盒本身仿佛一部神秘的古老机器,将千禧年代的迷幻科技风与复古元素巧妙融合,展现出独特的视觉冲击。 收到礼盒的人,作为专属的时光体验官,您只需插入专属的「身份卡片」即可解锁这一神秘礼盒,开启一段穿越回千禧年代的奇妙之旅。我们打破了传统礼盒的常规设计,将其塑造成一个充满神秘与探索欲的非凡时光机器,让每一次的开启都成为一场令人难忘的穿梭体验。
We have been commissioned by Tmall International to meticulously craft a unique gift box focused on anti-aging products. Drawing inspiration from the concept of “Back to the Future,” we designed a retro-style international time machine. The gift box itself resembles an ancient, mysterious machine, ingeniously blending millennial psychedelic tech vibes with retro elements to create a distinct visual impact. As the exclusive Time Experience Officer receiving the box, you need only insert the special ‘Identity Card’ to unlock this enigmatic gift box, embarking on a marvelous journey back to the millennium. We have broken away from the conventional design of traditional gift boxes, transforming it into an extraordinary time machine filled with mystery and a desire for exploration, making each opening a memorable time-traveling experience.